
Your body is nothing but a thought-form.

Thoughts materialize themselves in your body.


It grows stronger as man's conditions become intolerable,
and finally when he feels this hurt so strongly
that he can't stand it any longer, he says
"I won't stand this any longer - I will make a change,"
and lo! Then desire springs into action.
The man keeps on "wanting a change the worst way (which is the best way)
and his interest and attention being given to the task of deliverance,
he begins to make things move.

The man desires something different from what he has;
and when his desire becomes strong enough
his entire interest is given to the task,
he makes a mighty effort, and the change is accomplished.


Concentration is the act of mental focusing,
or bringing to a single point of centre.

Concentration signifies the state of being at a centre (con and centrum).
Applied to thought, it is the act of bringing the mind to a single point.

Mental force operates best when it is concentrated.

Learn how to place your mind on a particular subject
and inhibit or "shut off" all other thoughts.

The mind can think of but one thing at a time,
and if you concentrate upon a bright thing,
the other thing will fade away.

In perfect concentration time vanishes.

When you have some mental work to do
concentrate on it to the exclusion of everything else,
and you will find that the mind will get right down to business -
to the work at hand -
and matters will be cleared up in no time.


Always hold the mental picture of the desired condition -
not that of the diseased condition;
and always make your silent suggestions
along the lines of positive upbuilding,
stating the conditions you wish to produce,
and never those which you wish to remove.


If you wish to cultivate a certain habit of action,
begin by cultivating the mental attitude corresponding to it.
And as a means of cultivating that mental attitude,
start to "act out" or go through the motions of the act
corresponding to the thought.

If you wish to cultivate a quality in which you are deficient,
you must think of it, dream about it, concentrate upon it -
live it out in your thoughts as a "day-dream" or "mental picture" -
hold the visualized mental image of it always with you  -
and last, and equally as important, if not more so,
act out the physical manifestation of it - play the part out.
Act your part earnestly, ardently, constantly, eagerly, steadily.


A complete decision of the mind clears the mental field
and is really the battle half won, at times, wholly won.

If you are confronted with the question:
"Which of these two things should I do?" the best answer is:
"I will do that which I would like to become a habit with me."


Desire must be in evidence in order to attract.

The stronger the desire the greater force set in motion.

You must want a thing hard enough before you get it.

You must want it more than you do the things around you,
and you must be prepared to pay the price for it.

The price is the throwing overboard of certain lesser desires
that stand in the way of the accomplishment of the greater one.

As a rule, the greater the thing desired,
the greater the price to be paid for it.

If you really desire a thing in earnest,
you will pay the price without question;
for the desire will dwarf the importance of the other things.

You must give the desired thing your best and most earnest thought.

You must be so "set" upon the desired thing
that all else will seem of secondary importance.

In order to attain a thing
it is necessary that the mind should fall in love with it,
and be conscious of its existence
almost to the exclusion of everything else.

Keep in love with the one thing you wish to attain.

The more desire you have for a thing, the more you love it;
and the more you love it,
the greater will be the attractive force exerted towards its attainment -
both within yourself, and outside of you.


It is an axiom of psychology that "emotions deepen by repetition."

If a person allows a state of feeling to thoroughly take possession of him,
he will find it easier to yield to the same emotion the second time, and so on,
until the particular emotion or feeling becomes second nature to him.

Each repetition renders the habit more firmly entrenched.

Every time you give way to one of these negative emotions,
the easier do you make it for a recurrence of the same thing, or similar ones.
Sometimes by encouraging the unworthy emotion,
you find that you have given room for the growth
of a whole family of these mental weeds.

Cultivate the feeling or emotion
directly opposed to the one you wish to eradicate.


Fear is a habit of mind
which has been fastened upon us by negative race-thought,
but from which we may free ourselves
by individual effort and perseverance.

Fear is a mere negative thought-habit.
It is a negative tendency of the mind.

Fear is an acute form of negative concentration -
worry in its chronic form.

He who fears a thing generally manages to start into operation
forces which will cause the thing he feared to come upon him.

The man who fears really expects the feared thing.

If you learn how to place your mind upon a particular subject
and inhibit or "shut off" all other thoughts,
the fascination of fear and worry shall have no power over you.

You must assert "There's nothing to fear,"
which, although in the nature of a denial,
simply denies the reality of the object causing the fear
rather than admitting the fear itself and then denying it.

I regard the conquest of fear as the most important step
to be taken by those who wish to master the application of the thought force.

So long as fear is around with his
"but," "if," "suppose," "I'm afraid," "I can't," "what if,"
and all the rest of his cowardly suggestions,
you will not be able to use your thought force to the best advantage.

Start it today, make up your mind that this intruder must GO -
do not compromise matters with him,
but insist on absolute surrender on his part.
You will find the task difficult at first,
but each time you oppose him he will grow weaker,
and you will be stronger.
Shut off his nourishment - starve him to death -
he cannot live in a thought atmosphere of fearlessness.
So, start to fill you mind with good, strong, fearless thoughts -
keep yourself busy thinking fearlessness,
and fear will die of his own accord.
Fearlessness is positive - fear is negative,
and you may be sure that the positive will prevail.

There are many things before you awaiting accomplishment,
which you an master if you will only throw aside the yoke of fear -
if you will only refuse to accept the race suggestion,
and will boldly assert the "I" and its power.

The best way to vanquish fear is to assert "courage"
and stop thinking of fear.

The best way to overcome the habit of fear
is to assume the mental attitude of courage,
just as the best way to get rid of darkness is to let in the light.


Perfect health is the result of perfect will.

Always think of your body as being strong and adamant.

You should get as far away from the idea
of disease and old age and weakness as possible
and hold health-thoughts steadily before your mind.

Deny the power of weakness and disease over yourself.

A man's physical health is largely a matter of self-suggestion.

Just as people make themselves sick by improper self-suggestions,
so may they restore themselves to health by the proper suggestions
given in the same manner.

Convince your passive mind -
which has charge over your body -
of this by repeated commands, demands, and assertions.

I can never be ill.
It shall always manifest perfect health.


The "I" is the sovereign of the mind,
and what we call will is the instrument of the "I".

"I" but really means God consciousness
as perfect existence, perfect knowledge, or perfect bliss.

Before a man can assert the "I" in its full strength
he must obtain the complete mastery
of the subordinate parts of the self.

Life Force

Form the mental picture of yourself
as filled with life and energy.

Fix in your mind the thought that the "I" within you is very much alive
and that you are manifesting life fully, mentally and physically.

Assert the life force within you,
and manifest it in every thought, act and deed,
and before long you will be exhilarated
and fairly bubbling over with vitality and energy.


People may make themselves over,
and change their entire natures.

Don't be discouraged at the resistance
you will encounter at first.

You must determinedly pluck out of your nature
everything that weakens you.

Mental attitudes may may acquired and cultivated,
changed and discarded, at will.

Determine to be master of your mind.

All depends upon the strength, intensity and elasticity
of your resolution to act from your own center.

Set up the strong present tense against all else.

Strong expectancy is a powerful magnet.

Perfect self-control means infinite power.

Our share of the work is to persevere in the path of absolute purity.

Negative Thought

It is a waste of time to fight a negative thought-habit
by recognizing its force
and trying to deny it out of existence by mighty efforts.

There is no use fighting the objectionable thought
with the purpose of "drowning" it -
that is a great waste of energy,
and the more you keep saying "I won't think of this thing!"
the more it keeping on coming into your mind,
for you are holding it there for the purpose of hitting it.

Think of something else -
as far different from the obtruding thought as possible.

Let it go; don't give it another thought;
fix the mind on something entirely different,
and keep the attention there by an effort of the will.

The best way to overcome
undesirable or negative thoughts and feelings
is to cultivate the positive ones.

The best way is to pay as little attention as possible
to these weeds of the mind,
but put in as much time as possible
watering, caring for and attending to
the new and beautiful plants in the garden of the mind.

The positive thought is the strongest plant,
and will in time starve out the negative one
by withdrawing from it the nourishment
necessary for its existence.

The best, surest, easiest and quickest method
is to assume the existence of the positive thought desired in its place;
and by constantly dwelling upon the positive thought,
manifest it into objective reality.

If you wish to get rid of darkness in a room,
you don't have to shovel it out -
just open the windows and "let a little sunshine in."


We should constantly be on guard against temptations
to break the new resolution "just this once."

The moment you yield "just this once,"
you introduce the thin edge of the wedge
that will, in the end, split your resolution into pieces.

Equally important is the fact that each time you resist temptation
the stronger does your resolution become.

Act upon your resolution as early and as often as possible,
as with every manifestation of thought in action,
the stronger does it become.

You are adding to the strength of your original resolution
every time you back it up with action.

I resolve to be master of my mind and body.

I resolve to mount guard over Speech, Thought and Action.

I resolve to be Fearless.

I resolve to be Gentle, Quiet and Loving to others.

I resolve to hold myself ever Calm and Serene.

I resolve to be a staunch upholder of the Great Law
of Compassion and Non-injury.

I resolve to master all the principles of Spiritual Unfoldment.

I resolve in this life, so to train myself,
that I shall be a tremendous centre of Spiritual Force.

I resolve to live the Divine Life.


The subconscious plane of the human mind
is highly receptive and amenable to suggestion.

Suggestion gains force by repetition.

In auto-suggestion the conscious "I"
suggests to the subconscious "Me."


Thought-force is the concentration
of a high form of vibrating energy in the akasa (universal ether).

Thought is a mighty force.
It is your friend.
It is your enemy.

Your thoughts are either
faithful servants or tyrannical masters -
just as you allow them to be.

Your thoughts have been energized  by constant repetition.
Now you must learn to dominate them,
to command them to stillness.

You can break up old thought habits and build up new ones
by sheer force of will.

The higher and loftier your tone of general thought-activity,
the finer and more powerful the vibrational nature of the energy
emanating from you.

Get the best that is to be had in the thought world.

I am master of my own house.
No thought remains without my permission.


The will is one of the great dynamic forces of the universe,
and if harnessed and directed properly
it is capable of accomplishing almost miraculous things.

The will is the outward manifestation of the I AM.

Every other power in man is subservient to the will.

Teach and train your will to move
along negative lines of lines self-repression
as well as positive lines of self-expression.
Balance both.
The former precedes the latter.

In the higher regions of the mind of every man
is a great store of will power awaiting his use.

Your will-power enables you to prove things practically
to yourself and to the world;
to make actions match thoughts.

Strong will follows strong desire.
If you really want to do a thing very much,
you can usually develop the will power to accomplish it.