Desire must be in evidence in order to attract.
The stronger the desire the greater force set in motion.
You must want a thing hard enough before you get it.
You must want it more than you do the things around you,
and you must be prepared to pay the price for it.
The price is the throwing overboard of certain lesser desires
that stand in the way of the accomplishment of the greater one.
As a rule, the greater the thing desired,
the greater the price to be paid for it.
If you really desire a thing in earnest,
you will pay the price without question;
for the desire will dwarf the importance of the other things.
You must give the desired thing your best and most earnest thought.
You must be so "set" upon the desired thing
that all else will seem of secondary importance.
In order to attain a thing
it is necessary that the mind should fall in love with it,
and be conscious of its existence
almost to the exclusion of everything else.
Keep in love with the one thing you wish to attain.
The more desire you have for a thing, the more you love it;
and the more you love it,
the greater will be the attractive force exerted towards its attainment -
both within yourself, and outside of you.