It is a waste of time to fight a negative thought-habit
by recognizing its force
and trying to deny it out of existence by mighty efforts.
There is no use fighting the objectionable thought
with the purpose of "drowning" it -
that is a great waste of energy,
and the more you keep saying "I won't think of this thing!"
the more it keeping on coming into your mind,
for you are holding it there for the purpose of hitting it.
Think of something else -
as far different from the obtruding thought as possible.
Let it go; don't give it another thought;
fix the mind on something entirely different,
and keep the attention there by an effort of the will.
The best way to overcome
undesirable or negative thoughts and feelings
is to cultivate the positive ones.
The best way is to pay as little attention as possible
to these weeds of the mind,
but put in as much time as possible
watering, caring for and attending to
the new and beautiful plants in the garden of the mind.
The positive thought is the strongest plant,
and will in time starve out the negative one
by withdrawing from it the nourishment
necessary for its existence.
The best, surest, easiest and quickest method
is to assume the existence of the positive thought desired in its place;
and by constantly dwelling upon the positive thought,
manifest it into objective reality.
If you wish to get rid of darkness in a room,
you don't have to shovel it out -
just open the windows and "let a little sunshine in."